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handful of buttons

Share the Love Stories

“I learned of the buttons from listening to 97.3 (the only station I listen too). I am a member of a small group of women who minister to other women in our church and in our community and the topic that comes up more often is “I fall short”; “I am not enough”; “I can do better”. What these women don’t realize is that they are enough, and They Are Loved! I thought these buttons would be a daily reminder of God’s grace and whether we have a great day or a not-so-great day – we are loved by God, the keeper of our faith, and that is all we need.” – Bonnie

“I brought the pins to work to give out on Valentine’s Day to our management team. My co-workers that were in the office wore their pins. One of my co-worker’s wasn’t in the office on that day so I had put a pin in his inbox. I was talking to him on the phone, and he was having a stressful day. I said, “Mike I put a pin in your inbox today and I just want to let you know that you are loved”. He said thank you, I really needed to hear that today. I am amazed that 3 small words can mean so much. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pins! Bless you!” – Tracy

“I haven’t had a voice for a very long time. I’m still learning to get out of my comfort zone and say what I feel. God has put a lot of love in my heart and it’s hard to share sometimes. The buttons are like my voice. They share a very important message that is much needed in this world. I feel it makes people happy that someone, even a stranger, cares enough about them to give them a button they can look at every day and remember that THEY ARE LOVED.” – Lora

“I work in a bank, and I help many people throughout the day that are on very different paths in life, both spiritually and financially. There are days when I get to chat with someone a little longer than others that just need to have that one person to listen to their troubles. I don’t push my beliefs on anyone, but instead remind them that no matter what they’re struggling with, that they have a purpose it will make them stronger with the lessons they will learn. These buttons have brightened quite a few people during my interactions. My favorite interaction so far was today (2/14/24), when a woman came in and admitted having an awful day. I assisted her and when she wasn’t expecting it, I placed a button in front of her and told her she is loved. She picked it up and squeezed it to her chest and said: “thank you, I really needed to hear that today!” She then shared where her struggles were in detail with me. We had a wonderful conversation and she left thanking me for making her day better–with just the pin to remind her! This has been a very humbling experience for me to use a simple phrase as “you are loved” to do something I probably wouldn’t normally do outside of my own comfort zone. Thank you, LIFE. ” – Amy

“I shared my you are loved buttons I received with the people who were part of my walk with God and learning experience to where I am today and want to keep remembering and remind me of future to come also with my work to give to residents to remind them of God’s love. Thank you, God, for all the love you give and bring amen.” – Heather

“There are so many people out there that don’t feel loved or cared about. I think these buttons will open the door for conversation about God’s love.” – Edna

“I handed out the buttons at my church. We’ve been going through some changes and have some big decisions ahead of us. I thought they would be a good reminder that we are all loved members of God’s family. The smiles on the recipients faces made my day. It also gave me an idea for a church fellowship project. :)” – Lori

“Oh GOSH, we were blessed! Someone came into Duluth Harbor Mission with a bunch of pins, scattered them around the tables for our homeless friends. It was a beautiful site. Everyone is loving the pins, and the reminder that they too, are loved beyond measure!” – Veronica

“There is so much hurt and negativity in our world right now. We all need this reminder every day. We also all need to know that this is a different kind of love, one that doesn’t require anything from us and one that will never end. As the Library Director, I want everyone to know that I love that they come into our library and utilize all that the library systems have to offer. I love the sense of community and companionship that the library can grow in people’s lives. It is also “Love Your Library” month, so I want to spread the love any way I can!” – Bethany

“I heard about the buttons, and I ordered them, and I have received them, and I look forward to handing them out! I remember them when I was a teenager, but the difference is those were clip-ons, and these are pin-ons. They may be different, but they have the same meaning, Jesus! Thank you so very much for sharing these buttons blessings upon blessings to 97.3, Alleluia and Amen” – Patty

“Had to add one of my favorite songs by Stars Go Dim YOU ARE LOVED! When a friend of mine and I walked in Duluth at canal park we saw this in chalk You are loved. A couple of years ago I texted everyone in my contacts and said you are loved so yes I spread it like fire! On Facebook too.” – Tammy

“French River Lutheran Church gave ‘I Am Loved’ buttons to children during the Children’s Message on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. The children were encouraged to pass them along to anyone they encounter. A few examples of where buttons landed: to fellow parishioners, friends at school, and to family members. A few buttons were reserved for a geocache for discovery. Wherever they end up, three short words are a reminder that God’s love is for everyone. Thank you for helping teach a valuable lesson to our younger ones!” – Sue

“My story is about why I requested buttons to share. Forty plus years ago, my husband and I started dating. One of the first things we did together was Christmas shopping at the Miller Hill Mall. We purchased Santa hats and had our names put on them in gold glitter. One of our stops that day was one of the jewelry stores in the mall. I can’t remember the name of the store, but they had little red “I am Loved” buttons. We each got one and put it on our Santa hats. We still have the hats and the buttons. When I heard you were doing a button promotion and saw how similar your buttons were to ours, I couldn’t resist ordering some to share with my co-workers. I had the opportunity to hand them out today and tell my “memory” story. I think I put a smile on at least a few faces today. Thanks for your music and inspiration!” – Linda

“I gave a button to a couple family members that are having a hard time and the rest I am handing out at my workplace. I work in a hospital, so people get stressed a lot. I put the buttons where they can find them, so most people do not know where it came from. I want to help make people smile and I don’t feel that I need anything in return. It makes me happy just knowing I might have improved someone’s day just a little.” – Barbie1
“I know what it is like not to feel loved, but I know God loves me. We have a really bad drug and homeless problem on the range and in the world in general. I just want to let people know they are loved no matter how bad their circumstance(s). Ya know what?… You are loved!” –Robin