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What He Says About You


Rob Skutevik (Renew Church)

“He leads with biblical truth & doesn’t shy away from the hard stuff but also leads with SO much love & empathy. I don’t know how many late night phone calls & house calls he’s had to make that have woken him up, but he does without complaining. He’s such a peacemaker and incredibly selfless. His health isn’t great right now, he just found out he’s got a laundry list of new conditions and he’s exhausted yet thinks of everyone else first and is in the process of starting a thrift store/kids center in an area that could really use it! He was supposed to be in vacation and the whole time he was working on things like that. I could go on & on but I can’t think of anyone more deserving than Pastor Rob Skutevik.”

From nominator: “You’re LOVED, by so many! Every little thing you do doesn’t go unnoticed at all. Thank you for being exactly who God made you to be & doing exactly what God called you to do!!”