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David Aho (Hibbing Christian Assembly)

“This pastor is exuding love and mercy, and I can tell you firsthand that I have witnessed miraculous healing just from the warmth of his smile and the sparkle in his eyes. When I first came to this church, he accepted me with open arms (when many other churches wouldn’t) no questions asked, and he demonstrated the love of Jesus Messiah in every thought, word and action. I can’t find enough good things to say about this man. He loved me when no one else would (including myself). I just can’t thank Father God for all this man is and does and (at the very least), I just want to nominate our “Pastor Dave” as Pastor of the year (and for that matter pastor of the century)!!!”

From nominator: “Keep being the light and inspiration Almighty God called you to be in Christ Jesus. Thank you for being you.”